November 23rd, 2015: Alive with the glory of love


Below photos by David Charlec 
Lingerie: Victorias Secret

I don't have much to write about- I've been writing a lot for my novel lately but it seems like an odd match, this blog post and part of my novel- they don't fit together. So now I'm here racking my brain for something clever to type, when I know full well that maybe 1/4 of the people who come to view 

these pictures probably won't read this excerpt. Which also has me thinking about some other things. I received a messaged the other day from a male (direct message on instagram) saying that I was so pretty and that they must be friends with me. Frankly, I was not impressed to say the least. It saddens me to think that people only want to be friends with me because I am so called "pretty" to them and to others. Like my other qualities, that I believe far outshine my physical attributes, don't mean much to them at all. In fact, I could be a complete dolt, and they'd still want to be my friend because I am just so gosh darn pretty. What a friggen burden. The other thing is, lets be honest, you don't want to be my friend. You want to be polite and say that because it's a lot easier and will probably get a better response from me then "Hey I think you're gorgeous and I'd like to bang the brain out of you. Good day" The thing is, though the latter is extreme, I treat them both the same way. The person has no respect for me, and never will. They see me as a trophy. In fact, now that I think about it, I've actually had someone tell me they wanted to sleep with me because and I quote "It'd be cool to say that I've slept with someone from Maxim and Front" needles to say, this person didn't get any love as you could well imagine. 
Anyways, the point of this post is not to go on about how guys think I'm pretty or complain about that fact- it's to point out that a girl, any girl, has more to offer than her looks. She has a brain, and I bet a goddamn good one at that. 
