Bucket List

Here is my bucket list in no order:

1. Ride on a motorcycle
2. See the northern lights
3. Go to a nude beach
4. Attend Mardi Gras and Halloween in New Orleans
5. Travel first class
6. Have a perfect Valentines day with someone
7. Here the wolves howl while camping
8. Go on a road trip with friends
9. Pet a tiger
10. Go to venice
11. Buy an apartment in France
12. Travel all over Europe
13. See Harajuku
14. Sing Karaoke
15. Have my dream wedding
16. Be in a fashion show
17. Have a luxurious bath with candles and roses and wine
18. Have my dream dogs
19. Attend a masquerade ball
20. Have a perfect Christmas tree in my own home
21. New Years eve in New York