About Me

Hi! This is me, above, in all my makeup having, mirror staring glory. My name is Rebecca and I am 23 years old. I'm glad you've stumbled upon this blog for many reasons:

1. I like meeting new people. Making new friends is fun

2. Maybe some things I say will help you feel less alone, and I like the thought that I am pretty much virtually hugging you through my words.

3. I want to entertain you even if you're trying to kill 5 minutes at work

Anyway, I'll post a lot of things on this blog. I'll never limit myself to what I can and can not post. That would kill my creativity. 
I'll post things about food, fashion, travelling, my vacations, my everyday life, my ramblings and rants and everything in-between. I'll even post my short, small "poems" as well every Monday.
I'll even call them Monday musings. They have a name so it's very official. 

Why did I start this blog? 
I started this blog for one reason. I wanted a place where I could put everything I thought of, and everything I felt. I just moved to the big city, and as much as I would like to say I'm a big city gal, I came from a small town, so I feel small in very many ways still. There are so many people that it's easy to feel lonely. 

I might not be talking to anyone, but I can pretend, and even that can help me feel better.

What do I do apart from this though?
I am an administrative assistant for a company in Toronto. That's as specific as I'm going to get.. after all this is the internet and you could be planning my timely death with a pile of kittens.
I'm actually a huge fan of cats.
and dogs.
My favourite animal is a tiger, just incase you were wondering. 

I am also a freelance model/ makeup artist. I once worked for M.A.C until I realized working makeup retail left me horribly sad and dreading work. I left and came to the job I'm at now
And I love it.
we have puppies here
and catered lunches
and good people
and a beautiful office
I'm happy at my job.

I never used to be happy. In fact, it's still a daily struggle.
I remember thinking that everything I was feeling was teen angst. it would pass and everything would be rainbows and flowers.
But it never went away.
And when I went to college, that's when it all fell apart
I was very depressed. I had suicidal thoughts. I would never eat.
I denied it all
& then one day I woke up. I decided enough was enough.
I was diagnosed with an eating disorder "not yet classified. I would binge and restrict, but I would rarely throw up. I sought help and it took almost 2 years to feel better with food again. It's something I still have to deal with everyday. Some days are better than others.. some days, I miss the way I would feel when I was at my worse. It felt like I had control over something, though I never did.

Anywho, with all these social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, it allows us to get only the happy moments of someones life-  it's easy to feel like you are alone and missing out on something huge. I know I feel like that a lot. I can admit that my instagram may look happy go lucky but I have a lot of dark moments. I have moments where I feel like I should give up on everything and live in a hole in the ground where I don't have to pay rent and I can forget about my student debt and trying to date and find the one and trying to get ahead in whatever career I want to pick
It's a lot. It's a lot for anyone.
So this blog is for me to unload.
