December 31st, 2015: A look back


December 31st: a new day when it hits 12am. But unlike any other day of the year, you wake up and see social media posts about "bringing on the new year". Right. A new year- there's so much hope in an unforeseeable future. What can the new year bring for me? Love? Wealth? A new iPhone?

And then the goals. The pressure to have these new year goals... and aren't they always the same? I know for me they tend to be. I've started to look less at new year goals and more at.. well.. life goals. Learn more... travel more... teach more... are these not on everyone lists though? I can only imagine that whatever your goal is, it can fit into one of those three categories. 

What I do want to point out is how much can change in a year. I think we should focus on that as well. What lessons have I learned? Well for one thing.. don't give 4th chances.. 3rd can even be pushing it too... 2nd chances might not cut it either. Don't let a man walk all over me. Use my voice, even if it's shaking and quiet- it's still my voice and my opinion deserves to be heard. Listen to my sister more often. She usually knows what she's talking about. So does my dad. Don't bring a stick to a gun fight and smile even if they take your stick and beat you down. Some people are assholes and just can't change. Don't try to change them, you'll only end up disappointed and hurt- only they can change themselves. Except kittens. kittens are assholes but also adorable. I can just about keep up with looking after cats, a baby would be no good ever or at least in the foreseeable future. Don't be afraid to be alone. It sucks and it can be lonely but it can also make one hell of a story. Luxury items don't make you a better person, in fact, they can turn you into a shittier person that just has expensive things. See your friends and family as much as possible. Someone that you didn't know yesterday can mean the world to you a week later. Writing lists helps you weed out the bad from the good. Don't underestimate what a right swipe can do. 

New years eve to me has always been my least favourite "holiday". There is so much pressure to go to the hottest party, dress in a gorgeous sparkly outfit with your girlfriends, boyfriends, sip champagne and look fantastic while doing it. Also don't forget to snapchat, and Instagram EVERY moment so everyone knows you are out and having fun (never mind the fact that you are too pre occupied to capture every moment that you actually forget to have fun and "live in the moment")

I sound bitter.. yes. I know I do. I'm not unaware of the cynical tone in my voice and the inevitable frown my face is contorted into while I type this. 

So a new year is upon us and I must give in to social norms and tell you my goals for 2016. 
Here are things that I would love to do this year... but if not, I'll continue them into 2017..

- Learn more languages/ keep up with my french and German. 
- Travel to NOLA (yes I'm coming for you my lovelies), and Europe
- Learn to forgive and then forget. Stop holding onto something that you can no longer change
- Look into schooling for forensics, accounting and anthropology
- Be tutored in biology
- Learn where every bone in the body is
- Love as much as is humanly possible and don't hold back because of fear
- pay off my American MasterCard
- Visit my dad/ sister as much as possible this year
- Be more strict with my workout regime. Try being active everyday and not 5 days a week
- Get my own kitten
- Keep on fostering cats
- maybe foster dogs too next year?
- Write my fucking novel. For fuck sakes Becca. You have such a great idea. finish it
- Start Lune Magazine with Mouna
- keep on keeping up with my self portraits/ photography and start photographing other people/ landscapes
- update my blog more hehehehe :)

What are some of your goals that you would like to accomplish?
