Fan Expo 2015: My first time cosplaying


Hi everyone! It's been a very long time since I have blogged and I apologize profusely. Over the labour day weekend, I bought tickets for Fan Expo just for the Saturday, and decided to cosplay for the first time! I did

*drum rolls please*


And commence everyone rolling their eyes because who doesn't cosplay Harley Quinn at least once?! Well, Harley Quinn is very do-able in terms of cosplaying and you can definitely make the costume your own if you want to. 

I decided to do the Harley Quinn from the new Suicide Squad movie. The character is played by margot Robbie. Excuse my crassness, but she is an absolute STUNNING sexy lady. Her in Wolf of Wall Street.. oh my lord. My absolute biggest girl crush (apart from Kate Beckinsale lol)
So this was what I was working off of:

and this is what I looked like..

I'm actually SOO proud of how it turned out. I mean, it's not exactly duplicate, but I also wanted to make it my own which is why I kept my own hair colour. As much as I love wigs, I feel like a cheap wig can really make it look more halloween-y than cosplay, so I skipped the wig and just dyed my hair extensions instead :) The pink hair dye didn't stay unfortunately, so I think for halloween, I'm going to dye it a bit more so it shows. 

I met up with some co workers as well. 
We walked around for like.. 3-4 hours, looking around and we made a lengthy stop at the video games corner. There was the new Assassin Creed. I WAS SO EXCITED. I can not wait to play the new one, and be a woman this time. 

Anyway, it was really cool having people come up to me and ask for my picture. I didn't think it would happen as often as it did and it made me feel just so proud of myself because of the hardwork I put into my costume. 
Here are some other pictures from the day.. I didn't take a lot because I was a little too busy but here's what I have so far (I'm hoping I'll find some more of my cosplay floating around the internet)

Until next time 