2015 Goals


1. Keep up with this blog, At least 3 times a week

2. Learn a new language, possibly German

3. Travel somewhere (NOLA, England, Venice, Vegas?)

4. Limit my alcohol & processed sugar intake to once a month, if that.

5. Pay my payments on time!!! (ARG BECCA)

6. Stop shopping so much for clothes. It won't make me happy in the long run when I have to pay off my credit card and I have no money left... I'm being real honest in these goals.

7. Take lessons in something (cooking? Horseback riding? Defence classes? Pole dancing?)

8. Take more photos and really push myself as a photographer/model

9. Hold a falcon/owl on my arm

10. Volunteer somewhere with animals

11. Try and get a pet by the end of 2015.

12. Have my own place by December 2015, and hold Christmas there.

13. pay

14. off


16. Write thank you letters and happy birthday cards

17. Learn


I just want to be a good person, keep fit, keep eating healthy and let life take me on an adventure. 
I don't want to be restricted by too many goals. For me.. these are not so much goals as they are wishes and hopes... except the money thing. I will pay that shit off. 

What are some of your wishes and hopes for the new year?
