December 15th: Food for thought


I made an omelette for the first time on Sunday morning. I have been shamelessly trying to make the perfect omelette for a very long time. I love eggs, they love me, it's a lot of egg love in my house, but I can not, for the life of me, make an omelette.

Sunday morning comes, I wake up, tired, groggy, and I want eggs, bacon and sausage. I make my way downstairs, crack 4 eggs, scramble them up, put them in the pan, and by some miracle (Martha Stewart?), an omelette was made. It was really friggen good too. I didn't put anything in it because I thought I was just making scrambled eggs, but next time, those vegetables better watch out.

Earlier this week, I also managed to halfway accomplish doing the side crow in my yoga practice. I managed to stay in place for about 2 seconds, and then I fell on my face. I laughed it off but I'm really happy no one was there to witness the embarrassment.

So this girl below does a much much better job of it. I'm glad there's no gif of me trying to do one..
Parsva Bakasana
Side Crow
Christy Nones McKenzie
Start standing. Keeping the feet and legs together, sit down into a squat and come to balance on the balls of the feet. Raise the right arm up and lengthen through the right side and begin to twist the torso to the left, hooking the right elbow to the outside of the left knee. Place the palm down and place the palm of left hand down so lithely are shoulder width apart. Bend the elbows in, creating a 90 degree angle with the arms, like doing a tricep push up. Come onto the tippy toes and lean forward so the thigh is resting on the triceps. Hold for 3 steady breaths and switch sides.
Good for core, arm, wrist and spine strength.
Standard Moves presented by PUMA.

Anywho, I got to thinking.. the past couple weeks I have been blessed with.. to put it lightly.. luxury, but these two things that I did myself, that I worked hard on.. were more rewarding then anything given to me. I love indulging myself in the finer things in life, but the feeling of working hard at something and being able to pull it off, accomplish that task.. well it's priceless (thanks master card)

Money does make life easier. I am not naive to that. Money can buy happiness, whether it be happiness that lasts 5 minutes, or 3 months. 

There's a different euphoria experienced though when one feels happy through non tangible success.
It's pride and joy. 
It's like you unlocked a level while playing a video game.
All that hard work paid off and now you can pat yourself on the back.
Good job me.. good job. 

I think I always knew this, but it's been a couple of months since I've had this feeling. It's pretty addicting. I want more of it haha. I'm starting to feel accomplishment hungry. I've decided to make some goals for the new year, but I'm still refining them. I will make another blog post about all the goals I have for myself for 2015. It's going to take awhile, but I really want 2015 to be memorable.

until next time little kitties