Blue Ice Royal Cod liver oil/butter oil blend


Hey everyone! As you all know, I am a bit of a health freak. I take my vitamins, I rarely eat sugar, caffeine etc, and I work out pretty much everyday. My favourite thing to have everyday is cod liver oil. I'm sure you've heard of it. It's probably been spoken about by every talk show host, by every doctor, nutritionist, naturopath etc. There's a good reason for it as well. 
Please, take a seat while I tell you why it's so good for you, and that lovely body that you happen to occupy...

Alright let's do the benefits of this bad boy:

It's plentiful in Omega 3's. What does that mean? It improves hormone functioning, skin and hair health, help treat heart disease, it supports the immune system, helps inflammation, and so much more!

It has vitamin D in it. What's that good for? (absolutely nothing!) Just kidding, it's good for this.. regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorous. **SIDE NOTE:What are those two things good for? Calcium affects muscles, hormones, nerve function, ability to form blood clots and did I mention bones and teeth? Phosphorous is needed for the creations of new cells, and repairing tissue damage. It helps your kidneys filter out waste, and maintains your bodies pH from becoming too high or low, as well as nerve and muscle function**
If you don't get enough vitamin D, you're at risk for developing bone abnormalities. We don't want that. Vitamin D can also fight disease, decrease heart disease, and reduce your risk of getting the flu.

It contains Vitamin A which comes in two basic forms, retinoids and carotenoids.  Each one provides us with different health benefits, such as specific antioxidant, inflammatory, immune, reproductive and genetic related.

It also has Vitamin K2, which I had never heard of until I did my research. Vitamin K2 usually passes out through your stool, but it is in high quantities in your gut. It is present in most fermented foods, like cheese and Japanese natto. It can help with chronic inflammation, blood clotting, cardiovascular disease, cancer, brain health and osteoporosis.

So in conclusion, this guy will help your body and get you looking fabulous (as long as you also exercise and eat a healthy diet)

You can buy Green Pastures FCLO on Amazon or straight from their website. It's more expensive off of Amazon though.. and close your eyes at the price :P
