Las Vegas, Day 2: January 17th, 2015


Day 2: I woke up feeling energized and also saw the sunrise.. which hasn't happened in awhile. I mean.. I've been up for the sunrise plenty of times, but I've never actually sat their and watched it. To see it rising up over the dusty landscape, illuminating the mountains in the background... it was breathtaking. I realized, standing on that balcony, how lucky I was. 

At around 7am, I got ready for the day. I headed down for breakfast but wasn't too sure where I would end up. I asked a concierge where to go and he informed me that the best place in the hotel was Henrys, as.. and I quote.. "The buffet will be too much food for you" I laughed at the miss interpretation of my character. But, I did find myself at Henry's. I was asked three times if I was waiting for someone, and when I finally told everyone I was dining alone, they finally took my order.

I wasn't too pleased with the server that took my order though. 
"What would you like to order?"
"I'll have the omelette with a side of bacon and sausage please."
"But the omelette has bacon in it"
"Yes, that's okay. I'll still get a side of bacon and sausage"
"Are you sure? That's a lot of bacon?"
"Yes. I'll have that please"
"Oh, alright then." and he left.

I was actually pretty shocked that a server would question my order. I mean, shouldn't he be happy that I'm spending more money. Yes, I am aware that it's a lot of food, and yes I'm aware that I'm a tiny gal, but.. I can probably out eat most guys if it really came down to it. I wanted to put my sassy girl pants on and say something, but I bit my tongue. I'm better at saying more with my eyes anyway. 

I also had green tea, and was impressed that it was Mighty Leaf green tea and not Liptons. Most places sell Liptons green tea in Canada. Nothing more horrid than that. 

The food came, and yes it was a lot, and yes I ate it all. It was pretty delicious, though I may be biased as it was Canadian bacon haha. 

After breakfast, I walked around for a bit, checked out the mall again to see what was there, and then went back to the hotel room. 
I changed outfits and ended up going to the Fashion Show Mall to shop for the whole day. 
It was crowned the shopping day, because that literally all I did. I'm not complaining. I listened to music and walked around the mall and got hit on countless times because apparently that's what happens when you're a girl. 

Also, was told by a little bird that I could pass as Asian in this outfit hehe ;P

Skirt: idk
bodysuit: American Apparel
Shoes: idk
Hat: Forever 21
(I know I'm the best at outfit posts)

I shopped around for a couple of hours, and bought some things that I needed. My credit card holder broke, so I purchased a nice one from Kate Spade (which better last for the price of it...). I purchased a nice dress from Marciano, some shoes from Steve Madden, some Chanel makeup, and really cute underwear from Agent Provocateur. (hehe sorry no picture for that one) I also got some Lush bath bomb/ melts for a bubble bath. I'll do a separate review for the Chanel makeup.

The Fashion Show Mall is somewhat confusing and large. I spent half the time walking around, trying to get to the actual store I wanted to go to... and then the other half trying stuff on and deciding if I wanted it or not. Surprisingly, I only bought one item of clothing which is the dress. I wasn't too impressed with the clothing styles in the stores, and when I did like something, I realized it wasn't very practical for work and or winter. 

After this, I ordered room service (fish and salad), and then met up with Aly and we went to Caesars Palace to do some shopping and see the sights. Caesars was definitely a place of its own. It was, again, huge (which I feel most places in Las Vegas are), and it was themed like a Roman temple. It was cool to see in real life instead of movies and photographs. After we explored, we decided to stop by Serendipity. Now, Serendipity is one of my favourite movies, and I've always wanted to go to this restaurant in New York. It wasn't New York.. but it was still Serendipity 3 so it was definitely worth it.
We ordered an Oreo frozen hot chocolate with m&ms and sprinkles. We shared it between the two of us, as I knew I would not be able to finish that whole thing. Right on schedule, half way through I was in a sugar coma but I couldn't stop eating it. It was was .. so.. good. Delicious. Decadent. Dreamy... Divine. And come to think of it, there are alot of D words to describe this dessert. 

Doesn't it look like a chocolate covered death?! YUM.
Afterwards, Aly dropped me back off at the hotel room and ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
I was exhausted after all the walking.
