

Something I wrote a couple years ago:

One evening, you were lying there, underneath the covers,
still and silent,
wrapped up in your black cotton sheets.
My body was next to yours, unaware of the rhythmic movements of our voodoo drum beats.
My mind took off and wandered through the universe
Around galaxies and the Milky way
The stars reminded me of the moment when the sun sets
And the last days rays scrambled into your living room,
adorning everything in gold.
Those treasured minutes filled me with warmth,
and the desire to reach out and touch the falling sun,
to feel the heat on my fingertips.

My mind starts to wander again, faster and faster.
Your fingers against my bare skin brings me back to the four walls surrounding me.
It's still evening and only minutes have passed. I look outside your bedroom window and notice the stars that I was once so close to,
shining a million miles away.
You kiss my forehead, and for a quick moment my heart flutters.
you question a statement.
“Why what?”
“Why do you love me?”
I pause, gathering information as quick as I can, as if I must give the best answer...
like somehow, at the end of it all, I'll win a prize.
I search through everything we've
seen, touched, heard, and felt.
I search through the best days and the worst.
The nights where all we wanted to do was set the bed ablaze
And the blue dawn mornings, when all I wanted was to listen to your heart beat and the soothing sound of the howling wind banging against your window.
Most days, I can't describe why and some days I don't want to.
I always find that the most important things are the hardest to say.
But I know one thing to be true.
Love isn't logical; it's not a math equation, or a chemistry formulation.
It's blood; it's the heart pumping love into its system.
You feel it in sideways glances and cheeky smirks.
I love you for every flaw and perfect feature
I like your lips but I love them even more when they are kissing me.
I enjoy the little things...
like when your hand curls gently into mine.
I enjoy the silence and I enjoy all the noise we can make on the unmade bed, that I so love to make
So my answer is jumbled and a little blurred,
but if you ever find yourself at 3 a.m with thoughts that keep you from falling asleep,
my wish is that you remember no matter
where I am, or what I am doing,

I 'd rather be awake at 3 a.m with you