October 21st, 2015: Lost in your lies


Happy Wednesday everyone! How are you doing? I don't have a lot to talk about today apart from the fact that I haven't had time to do my laundry in 2 weeks and I'm mentally drained haha.. and I'm giving my kittens away tomorrow- my time as a foster mum has come and gone, they must be adopted now and fly away from their mother. 

I'm trying to think of a subject to touch upon but my brain just keep on playing one song over and over again and that's really of no use to me. 
Winter? not looking forward to the cold, but also looking forward to Christmas, skating, warm drinks and family. 
Student debt? Still not happy about it. 
Work? Still going well
Yeah really guys, I have nothing. I also think I have a bit of writers block because I haven't been able to write a poem or anything for my novel in two weeks. I'm stuck. I sit there and look at the paper and can't come up with anything clever except "I hate this" in the top, right hand corner. I even had trouble coming up with a title for this blog post. I can feel the words slowly slipping away- not even slipping.. running. They are running away from me, mocking me as they look behind them to see my face in angst. Well I hope they trip. 

Anyway, heres my outfit post for the day. 
Dress: Honey 
Shoes: Forever 21
Hair: Genes
Photographer: Mouna Tahar