October 24th, 2015: White Rabbit


Happy Saturday everyone! My day just started so, again, like my previous post, I don't have a lot to write. I have a to do list though that you might find somewhat interesting, and by interesting I mean boring. Are you ready?

1. Buy a new iphone charger for home since I left mine at work..
2. Buy food
3. Probably eat too
4. Talk to my sister on the phone
5. Write more of my novel... I think I have the ending down but Im not sure yet
6. relax. Finally you have a day to yourself

Yeah right? SO exciting. Trust me, it's going to be a wild one. I really wish I had something profound and clever to write.. something to make you gasp and say OOOOH, AHHH and "omg Becca you are so smart and witty. I should ask you for advice all the time" but I really don't. Some days, it just doesn't come to you and you have nothing to say. That's okay though. I like to think that my brain is working overtime right now for something amazing next week. I'll wake up on Monday and think something thats ground breaking and I'll tell y'all. Sound good? cool.

Enjoy this outfit I'm wearing